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Re: Best xFriends Club

Here you r @ENKELI 

I'm still lying in bed looking at dogs getting rescued. It's been 4 weeks. 



Re: Best xFriends Club

  • Do you have a hoist @TAB ?

Iv been 4 weeks waiting for my gall bladder to come out. I'm entered the lazy stage. 

Stomach completely stopped hurting however still in bed watching dogs being rescued. 

Re: Best xFriends Club

Omg @PeppyPatti  I just assumed it was done already. Can get hoist on NDIS lol not sure re motivation tho lol

Re: Best Frifends Club



Your children will be fine if not better if you go. 


My heart aches reading this. It sounds incredibly difficult and isolating for you. You're incredibly strong to shoulder this burden while still prioritizing your children and trying to support your husband.


It's okay to feel overwhelmed and exhausted and it's important to remember

that you're not responsible for your husband's mental health.


In  Being in my ex husband's life, it comes with a lot of daily problems as well. 

My new husband often saying I'm in a relationship with him as well - the mental illness winds you in !

I take my mind away to selfcare. Then we go for a walk. 


Lately spending hours watching rescue dogs. This needs to stop...

You deserve peace and love. Remember to prioritize your own well-being. Take time for yourself. How can you do that ? 


I remember one day  I hopped out of the car and opened the boot to find my eye glasses. I felt a fresh 5 minutes of being present just picking up my glasses and holding them.  It was like a reset. It was like

It was 5:5 years since I packed my bags and left. 

It was very tough. I went to his home every day and spent long time sitting with him so he wouldn't commit suicide. 


What I learned was my own mental illness. I went to therapy. If you see your GP, you can get 10 free appointments with a clinical Psychologist and often they will keep on seeing you at a reduced rate. 


It took me about 2 years to wind down. 






Re: Best Friends Club

@PeppyPatti how much longer do you have to wait for the gall bladder removal?

Re: Best Frifends Club

@PeppyPatti thank you for your kind words and sharing your story.

I hear what you are saying.  Through my husband's cptsd I found out about my generalized anxiety. I am seeing a psychologist for it. My husband has his own psychologist and we also do couple counselling with another psychologist. 

It's tough but days like today make it worth it to keep trying. 

My husband made dinner for my mum, got her flowers and engaged in  very normal and regulated conversation with everyone.  We will move weeks of him being like this and then all of a sudden his childhood trauma resurfaces and he withdraws himself to his misery. He becomes disconnected and absent. It's hard.

I do try to prioritise myself and will take breaks from him being with the kids, reading or doing things I love. 

Thank you for caring ๐Ÿค—.

I hope you can have your gallbladder operation soon and that you are taking something for the pain.

Sending hugs and healing waves โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน๐Ÿค—โค๏ธ๐Ÿซ‚

Re: Best Friends Club

@ENKELI sorry just a tic I'm grabbing @Healandlove s healing waves ... 


Ahh....much better thanks @Healandlove 


I'm proud of you @Healandlove ....


I'm pretty annoyed re gall bladder. It's just a silly operation 100000 s women have. I decided to hemmorage and got sicker but even that is better. I need to wait when they send the operation. 


Not long. 

How are you @ENKELI 


@ENKELI  you are very special and beautiful to us here. I personally love getting your messages. 


Because your kind. You notice little things and when you send me your messages, I feel special. 


@Oaktree @Healandlove @Sunnyside226 @Sunnyside226 @Glisten @Jacques @Appleblossom @utopia @Shaz51 @tyme @PizzaMondo 

Re: Best Frifends Club

ThSnkyou @Healandlove I'm fine for the pain. I have a small amount of gummies at night to relax....

Re: Best Frifends Club

Everyone knows and possibly getting sick of my new hobby @Healandlove 

It's quilting. Just square material squares in a quilt.......I tend to show them but I forget they all kind of look the 



Re: Best xFriends Club

Were you studying ? Isn't it weird when your off for a while ? It's like you've missed out ๐Ÿฆ”


Dear @creative_writer iv confessed to my new activity and that watching iTune clips of starving dogs being rescued mainly in America. 


I'm going to work hard At learning to vicariously read good books instead of watching iTune dogs. 


Was Christmas fun for you ?