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Feeling helpless

I give up, I have tried psych I've tried cousillor I'm on meds so I not have a permanent disability? No apparently now am I not needing some assistance no apparently now why is it so hard to get help
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Re: Feeling helpless

Hi @MG1990

I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble finding the support you feel you need right now. Can I ask, what kind of support have you tried to access on this particular occasion? It sounds like you haven’t received it because your condition wasn’t classified as a permanent disability, is that right?

Re: Feeling helpless

It's the way of the world these days ..the cake is getting cut in a different way now apparently, ie feeding rich and middle class with welfare, while taking away basic services from those who need it. Creating different worlds let alone classes, and believe me they think they deserve itSmiley Happy

Re: Feeling helpless

What kind of assistance are you needing? Financial? From Centrelink? Or psychological? Do you need help to feel more active in the community? Do you need a Doctor? I would like to chat with you and see what help you are looking for. Please know that you are not alone, and that a lot of us have troubles too, and it's ok if the psych and counsellor werent right for you, you can always try different ones that might help more. 

Re: Feeling helpless

If you are having trouble getting recognized as having a permanent disability, and that this is for Centrelink, I would suggest getting a different doctor to fill out the forms, and to tell them that you want to go on disability pension payment, and see if they can help you. The first time I applied for it, I didnt tell the doctor I wanted to apply for that, so they didnt fill out the forms in a way to get me onto DSP, so I had to try a different doctor. It may take some time but the second time it worked for me. I hope the second time it works for you as well. Also, I suggest taking the forms to a psychiatrist, instead of a GP. Good luck. (I hope I read this correctly and that this is what its about, my apologies if its not)

Re: Feeling helpless

@ninjak was just having a rant, sorry, and all of the above probably, am trying, will get there. thanks

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