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End of year thoughts

Hi everyone πŸ™‚
It's that time of the year where I (as I imagine a number of others may) find myself thinking back over the year that is coming to an end and looking forward, wondering what the year ahead might bring.
I thought it could be nice to share some of your thoughts about your 2018, if anyone is interested.

Something from this year that:

* you've been proud of
* you're thankful for
* you learned 
* was a highlight moment


A song/movie/book/show you really enjoyed this year 


A hope you have for next year


Tagging some but everyone is welcome - @frog, @Mazarita, @Zoe7@outlander, @greenpea, @BlueBay, @TheVorticon, @Queenie, @Hope4me, @eth, @Appleblossom, @Shaz51, @Sans911, @Owlunar@TAB, @Teej, @MDT, @Sophia1, @oceangirl, @Adge, @Former-Member, @utopia@Wanderer@PeppiPatty  and all. Looking forward to hearing thoughts on any/all of the above (or anything else!) if anyone is up for sharing πŸ™‚


Re: End of year thoughts

Great idea @CheerBear

I am happy that I got back to work in even the small capacity that I did and I am very grateful for this forum and the support I have had from so many over the past year.

Re: End of year thoughts


2018 was the hardest year.  My Depression dragged me to new depths. 

2018 was a year for hope.  My psychiatrist put me on some new medications and wow,  they worked.  No more depression. 

Re: End of year thoughts

You did so well with work @Zoe7 πŸ™‚ Go you!

No more depression is awesome to hear @utopia! I remember you going through a really hard time of things. Well done!

Re: End of year thoughts

way to go @Zoe7 Heart

that is soooo awesome @utopia Heart

great thread @CheerBear, will come back and do mine xxx

Re: End of year thoughts

Yes re forum thats been a rock . I paid half of massive credit debt off. I met some people who opened up to me at work, I had some good jobs. I asked for help at start of year and got it. Ok from centrelink 😬 lol well they’re usually anything but. I went beyond my limits mentally at work, finding more out about myself in process. Movie that comes to mind is β€˜Boy’ but seen before ok its periennial (?) some friends dropped off. Met some people who later dropped off, but it’s Learning. Anyway thanks for making me Think @CheerBear and force myself to see positives 😬😸😎🎩 I hope for better physical and mental health next year while realising Its going to take big changes. I think I can do it. Wont name them for fear of jinxing it lol

Re: End of year thoughts

Looking forward to hearing (reading) @Shaz51 😊

Wow @TAB - so many positives! Well done! I had to really stretch myself to think of the good in the year that has been as I found myself getting a bit stuck in 'miserable, everything was awful, I'm just glad I survived' thinking πŸ˜‰ Loved reading your post. Thanks for taking the time to share 😊

We all made it this far and successfully survived everything that the year decided to present, which I know for many is a big deal and worthy of recognition! Go all of us really 😁

Re: End of year thoughts

Thanks @CheerBear bit same re trying to put put a negative after every positive but there were more positives than that if really thought about it. They get drowned out in day to day neg bs. Thanks for thread idea and compliment 😸

Re: End of year thoughts

@CheerBear What a great idea CheerBear :). Hmmm let me see ....


Something from this year that:

* you've been proud of:  I am proud of the way I haven't given up on my quest to get better. I keep trying regardless of adversities and do it with a smile on my face :).
* you're thankful for: I am thankful for my children especially, my family  those who are trying to help me and you guys of course :P.
* you learned : I am tougher than I originally thought and I will get there in the end.
* was a highlight moment: gosh there were so many ..... when my son1 came out from Germany for an unexpected visit πŸ˜„

Re: End of year thoughts

Big smiles at your post @greenpea! Thanks for sharing 😊

I imagine you as having a smile almost constantly and really appreciate your positive, up and go attitude. Catching your posts often feels like a bit of brightness. How awesome to have an unexpected visit from overseas son too! Yay you greenpea πŸ™‚