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Re: Never being in a relationship

oh wow, i knew about the guitar but you write music as well!? that's really cool @TheRenegade345 


i'm sorry to hear about your experience. i'm a bit surprised that people didn't find that interesting... a lot of my friends are big music lovers so i know that sort of stuff would've piqued their interest. i have a few specific interests too, so i often feel like i'm not everybody's cup of tea (which i'm fine with, some people aren't my cup of tea either). how about your friends? do they show interest in your music stuff?

Re: Never being in a relationship



I have written one concept album and I am currently writing another where there will be musical motifs that appear throughout the album and I will have a medley at the start as well, like in musical theatre.


I remember talking to a person about this a while ago and he suggested that perhaps the type of music I write isn't as popular anymore. Guitar music in itself isn't that popular like it used to be so I think thats part of the problem. If I grew up at any point during the 70s, 80s, or 90s I honestly believe I wouldn't have any problems at all. Its this generation I have no conceptual understanding of how to fit in.


My friends do like it, one of them even expressed admonishment that women dont seem to be that interested in my musical abilities. She couldn't understand why more women wouldn't be interested in it.

Re: Never being in a relationship

oh that sounds amazing! did you study music in the past? or just always had a keen self-interest in music? @TheRenegade345 


ahh i see what you mean, it's one of those generational gaps! our current generation's music is drastically different from the 20th century ones right? and i'm glad your friend gets the hype!! i guess she's proof that your interests are cool (not that you need proof of that but its a nice bonus). 


i think even those who don't 'get the hype' can still appreciate the passion. i definitely don't understand certain interest topics like cars or jazz music, but others do - and i love that they love it! when people have topics that don't pique your interest, how do you feel about them? do you tend to get bored easily or do you enjoy getting to learn about it?

Re: Never being in a relationship



I did some electives at school but it is largely a self interest. I dont know a lot about music theory but I have taught myself a lot about it.


Essentially, the most popular form of music right now is rap and generic pop music. These genres typically dont have guitars or use guitars as the main instrument. So people these days just dont value guitar based music.


I get the impression you are an empathetic person and curious about others interests. I think what I have noticed is that a lot of people today just aren't interested in others. It is alarming to me just how unsocialised some people are. I am always interested in others and will ask questions about their special interests, however that is not reciprocated to me.