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Re: ongoing problem

I'm thinking about seeing a psychiatrist.Thanks for all your suggestions

Re: ongoing problem

What type of therapy is suggested for this problem?
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Re: ongoing problem

Hi @Keti.  As everyone has mentioned, we all seem to do this at times.  I certainly do.  I walk a lot and love to talk outloud to myself then.  I always seem to get the most creative solutions to problems that way.  I was so glad when people started walking along talking into handfree phones as it made me look normal!

This is seeming to distress you though.  I wonder if people at work are reacting to you talking to yourself or to your discomfort at the situation?  Your self-consciousness about this may be getting in the way more than the actual problem.  If you try to relax and interact more they might follow suit.  Easier said than done though.

In terms of therapy, most approaches will have something to offer.  CBT could be particularly useful as it looks at the thoughts and feelings behind what we do.  If there is a compulsive, uncontrolled element to what you're doing, counselling is a great idea.

Your GP can create a mental health care plan that gives you some part-funded medicare sessions.  Or even fully-funded if you can find one of the elusive bulk-bill Psychologists.  Your doctor may also have some recommendations about where to go for counselling.  It's worth booking a longer session to talk this through.

Let us know how you go.

Re: ongoing problem

I am not sure that it is as simple as fixing a cut with a bandaid. 

Dont be too hard on yourself and believe you deserve decent conversations with other people.

I really like @Former-Member's response.

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Re: ongoing problem

Hi @Keti

I'm not sure there is any definite answer on what type of therapy would work.. i get alot out of seeing the psychologist but we're all so different! I find the psychiatrist that I see ok, but I dont get much out of seeing him, other than medication changes 🙂 My GP (who i've only seen about 4 times because i moved down here recently and didnt like the first few GP's i saw) is really nice. He will see me and just have a chat about where I'm at and give me strategies to keep going... and tell me to toughen up at times lol. If you can try something thats a great place to start. See what feels right for you, and if you find its not for you, try something new. There will be something out there that helps you, it might not be that there's anything 'wrong' either. But psychs are really good at explaining why we do things, and sometimes just having that knowledge and understandign about myself helps. hope some of that makes sense!