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What bipolar really feels like


Re: What bipolar really feels like

I compare mine to that of a rollercoaster I wrote a big long thing but then something happened eh its ok

Roller coasters have a long incline to the peak and then a big drop down then up then down the upside down up then down
Finale is not like a rollercoaster tho cos I end up lower than where the ride starts at the platform.... but its little pick up from there to the station lol

Anyone else have similar or want to explain there thoughts on it?

Re: What bipolar really feels like

I speak of...  Emotional whiplash...  The exhilarating lift, then *crack!* the sickening plummet... 

Re: What bipolar really feels like

My Bi-polar is not like yours Kato.

I think I have a full-on manic episode at about every 8 years or so (Bi-polar 1)

Hyper-manic when the occasion demands it.

Occasionally deeply depressed (Dysthymic)

And just run-of-the-mill crazy the rest of the time.

As I read your posts, you seem to cycle very quickly and inconsistently.


Re: What bipolar really feels like

Thank you for that link Chemonro.

I am going to 'Kindle' that book tout de suite.

Re: What bipolar really feels like

Late to the party. This is brilliant. I always feel like I'm swimming in front of a wave desparate to get away before it breaks and dumps me.

Re: What bipolar really feels like

Hi @chemonro 

This is brillaint, like @Uggbootdiva I'm late finding it - but very pleased I have! Thanks for posting it. Are you travelling ok? I haven't "seen" you around lately. Sending some virtual hugs and loving care your way.

Kind regards,


Re: What bipolar really feels like

Hi guys,

@chemonro @Uggbootdiva @Alessandra1992 @kato 

I just found this bipolarburble blog (via Twitter, @Bipolar_Blogs), and have read quite a few posts. I don't agree with them all 100% but I think they are really well writtten and honest. You may want to take a look.

Kind regards,


Re: What bipolar really feels like

Thanks @kristin. Great blog.
Travelling with difficulty. Don't like myself very much at the mo.

Thanks for thinking of me.

Re: What bipolar really feels like

Hey @Uggbootdiva

Glad you like it, there's some good stuff there. 

Sorry to hear that - I know the feeling. Try to be gentle with yourself, much harder when in that space.

Hope endures, for a journey of healing - notwithstanding pain

Take care of you please. (School back soon!)

Kindest regards,
