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Re: The affectiveness of teatment for mental illness........

Well said Ivana


I am sorry you have yet to find affective treatment.

I can relate. 

But the emeliorating affect of a good support worker does make a difference.

 And you are spot on re some MH Docs. 

They are obviously fragile little creature who feel threatened easily.

Poses the question does'nt it?

Who's the frootloop now?


Thank you muchly for your input

Re: The affectiveness of teatment for mental illness........

Thank you Skorpion

Yes PTSD treatability is a thorn. 


I really do appreciate your candor in talking about medication affectiveness.

I can relate.


It's a lonely road to walk when you have to deal with a partly treated illness.


I do feel that the support we give freely to each other here is invaluable.

It is peer support.


This is where to come on a good day and on the bad.


Thanks so much for your honest comments





Re: The affectiveness of teatment for mental illness........

The funny thing is clinical services want to offer groups and are offering groups..The radical concept is peer led and peer run..which Grow has been doing for over 50 years, which The Compassionate Friends have been doing,
Area Mental Health Services are offering peer zone in some States, community mental health support voices groups and other peer groups too..





Re: The affectiveness of teatment for mental illness........

Hi rick,
when I first bevame aware of my mi was about 6 - 7 years ago. I had a sonewhat severe breakdown. I was extremely low, paranoid, violent and agressive, I was in such a really bad place. The gp immediately did a mh thingy and I saw a clinical psychologist fairly quickly, however I did not like her and she was terrible she gave my wife at the time very poor counsel telling her she couldn't call the catt people etc
dozens of medications trialled
over 2 years got better felt better
Still seeing psychologists I saw a total of 5 none of which I trusted due to the first ones diagrace.
felt well enough and came off meds completely over a space of two months
then I started getting sick again without realizing....
finally twigged I needed help and thought I could do it on my own ie. Pick my psychologist and I wanted to see a psychiatrist. ... not the easiest thing
succumbed to the fact I had to utelize my gp fully
I am now on anti depressant anti psychotic and a mood stabilizer for nearly 3 months still playing with the levels etc
so they are working but I still have episodes of highs and lows
my psychiatrist is not my favorite and I am waiting for an appointment with a different one in the new year
I have had no contact from community services
even tho my psychiatrist has recommended them to get in contact.
I have lost all my friends due to ex wife's doing
I see my gp fortnightly now to check in how my meds are
my psychologist weekly
psychiatrist every 3 weeks
I feel lucky that I have my parents to give me support but they annoy me
I have tried contacting support places but I get confused about what I have to do.
I feel very alone
thank fully I have found this forum for support.
Also to me the system in place does not extend to those who have not been hospitalized due to thier illness are therefor not in need of assistance
I am aware of my thoughts and actions which in turn make me safe
there is no critical help available if you are safe
yet what is safe?
I was let down very harshly by the system at a critical time and I no longer believe or trust the system. I know others have had excellent expierences and the system in place is very good
but as an old saying goes once bitten twice shy

so to wrap it simply
meds pretty effective
psychologist and psychiatrist some what effective
Support groups etc not very effective
gaps in the system plentiful
how I deal with gaps... this forum and my own workings on being vigilant
thank you

Re: The affectiveness of teatment for mental illness........

Looks like the rest of the sector is finally catching up.


Re: The affectiveness of teatment for mental illness........

For me, I lived around 30 years with something I didn't even have a name for. It was called several things over the years, poor anger management and depression to name but two. It was also suggested I may be suffering bi-polar disorder and once, an anti-social PD. Around my mid 40's, I began to drift away from people and isolate myself. My life then calmed down enough so that I was able to totally re-invent myself. 14 months ago, I was told I had borderline personality disorder and the pieces suddenly feel into place. Now to the treatment side of things.

To begin with, it was therapy. Couldn't afford private, so went down the Mental Health Care Plan route. That gave me 10 sessions with a psychologist who (although I realised he was treating me for BPD) wouldn't tell me what he believed was wrong with me. I also saw a private psychiatrist who wouldn't tell me either, yet he told my GP. I had to practically force my GP to tell me I had BPD. I already knew, but didn't want to appear to be one of those self diagnosing types. My GP was pretty much useless now and kept shoving all responsibility back onto the private psychiatrist who clearly didn't know how to deal with a creature like me. It simply wasn't his field, plus his practice is an hour and a half from my home which made it an expensive proposition. In effect, I wasn't being treated properly by anyone. If my psychologist had only told me what he was treating me for, I might have worked harder to apply myself, but as it was, it was a complete waste of 10 Government funded sessions.

Following the diagnosis, I've had (through my workplace) three free sessions with another private psychologist and so far we've clicked. She says she's not ever going to give up on me no matter how resistive to treatment I am. As soon as the new year kicks off, I can get another 10 Government funded sessions back, so I'll use them with her and hope I get something out of it. She's been effective so far, but paying for a private service like that without private health care cover is out of my league.

I'm also now on the public psych service's books. This has proven totally useless. They will not address my situation in a crisis, except to tell me to listen to mindfulness "aps" on my tablet, do deep breathing exercises or "try" to get the bad thoughts out of my head! Yeah, good luck with that!! I saw their psychiatrist, a very young person from another country (one that produces great tea) and has a poor grasp of English. In fact, the entire psych services has a large proportion of people from the same country and older people find them extremely difficult to understand, therefore making treatment ineffective. The one I saw was only there to take a brief history instead of having to wade through my file which is getting thicker each time I contact them. She thought a particular drug might help my disassociation on top of my regular mood stabiliser. As her instructions were difficult to follow because of the language barrier, I'm only taking it PRN to help me sleep.

I also have a couple of very young (to me at least) social workers from the public psych sector who come out to see me every two week. If I have a problem, I write it down so I can remember to tell them my concerns. I tend to clam up when faced with a stressful situation like visits by psych services. These people are young enough to be my grand-kids and have no life experiences, yet they're trying to tell me how I should live?? They told me to call a number they gave me if I was in a crisis, but I haven't bothered. I know other "clients" who, upon having rung the same psych service, have been told to hang up and call Life-line!! I'd expect the same as any crisis of mine would be deemed to be a "cry for pity" by a manipulative borderline. The same two "kids" are coming out to see me next Monday and I've already got lots of things written down to put to them including the fact that so far, nobody has drawn up a crisis plan. I aim to ask them why not.

Sorry about the long post, but hopefully I've got things into perspective.

Incidentally, I also work in the field of mental health and am a strong advocate for my patients (yes, "patients" as I work in an acute setting) and one of the things I hear repeated over and over is that the psych team members giving them care in both a hospital setting and in the community are far too young to recognise their needs. Something to think about for us older people!

Re: The affectiveness of teatment for mental illness........

When i was really unwell and thinking suicide medication and specialists (physologists, phyciastrists, councellors) helped me to remain stable. They said ah depression,major depression, bipolar, mood swings Im on medication yet there has been not real formal test to say what i have. I contacted a research site recently that were doing a program for bipolar someone called me and i devulged all my anxieties and private experiences to them only to be told i dont have the bipolar that they are looking for ahhhhhhhhhhhhh then why am i diagnosed with bipolar and why am i on medication. I am visiting my next specialist in January and want to ask for a re-assessment i have minimal to no highs and coast along monotone until im overwhelmed with anxiety depression and paranoia I hate these feelings and the continual negative thought process its exhausting.

When I became stable enough to live my own life, my husband didnt want me as i was and had had enough of the emotional rollacoaster so we separated for 2 years now. I live alone and i have incredible lows that physically overwhelm me. It has been the suppport of my mother that has got me through everyday and i focus on her because she makes me feel logic and sensible. When I was really down it was the thought that I must live for her and it was her that I live for because she is so loving.

The affectiveness of treatment great at the time however for nine years i have lingered driffting from one specialist to another seeking answers that no one can seem to help me with, i give up and decide perhaps its a mistery and no one is suppose to know that answer to myself makes me feel balanced. My mum says that i cant stay with the same specialist cause I dont like them ? huh I dont understand that comment I was desparate for help for guidance for longing to belong to find a purpose to live my own life, I dont find specilasits help very much in the hour that you get to speak to them how can you be specific enough that they find the cause of the problem and then offer you a solution in the hour allocated??? Im frustrated....

I have felt really neglected that no one will listen to me, no one seems to want to be my friend their either busy or not interested and i slump into loniless and isolation in my mind as i always have my Mum and two sisters (two sisters that are busy with their own lives and dont really want to be troubled by me).

It came to a point where i cant afford specialists so i started seeking self help therapies i went onto a great website for cognative behaviour therapy and tried to teach myself to learn about my thought behaviours, ive tried to self help the emotion, thoughts, behaviour links and i draw diagrams and flow charts and write and write and write not so much as a journal but on my thoughts at the time. My thoughts can make me go crazy sometime and I am extremely paranoid. Ive tried to not be a hermit and started some volunteer work after loosing 7 jobs in a row because of my behaviour. I recently lost my 8th job because I am too slow they claim. The volunteer 3 month review told me i was too intense and sad and did not bring the right attitude to work, they caught me telling someone about my husband rejecting me as i was crying and told me that behaviour at work is not appropriate.

My biggest beef with my whole crappy expereince is that i can not find the right medium to express myself with others my behavious is never good enough, i can never say or do anything right i am never good enough. I recently met a new friend I thought you shared thoughts with new friends he told me I was too deep and very meaningful too soon ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 


For years I focus on self help reading the internet and write and write and write and music thank goodness for music and walking and pet therapy did i mention writing yeah writing....

I wonder why Im on medication these days something tells me i must stay on it and so i do and remain hopeful and tell myself that I understand and thats its ok.

SELF HELP is the answer, they can only guide you so much in the 1hour at $120 !!!




Senior Contributor

Re: The affectiveness of teatment for mental illness........

Hey @Former-Member 

Thankyou for yet another perspective of the treatment front.

I am so glad for you that you;ve found affective strategies and have balance your positive experience against the negative ones. 

You actually prove a point to me. That treatment for complex mental health is based entirely on the person with the pathology. Not that the person must tackle these things alone but that each treatment must be designed and implemented based on the wants and needs of the person seeking treatment.


I want to thank you for your hope filled words and perceptions and thankyou for another perspective of illness and it's management.


Hope endures

