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Newly diagnosed schizophrenia in daughter aged 24

Hello I am new to this forum - iamseeking support from people in similar situations to mine as I have no actual supports in real life.

my daughter is 24 and newly diagnosed with schizophrenia and is currently on a treatment order in a public psych unit. She is not responding to the new abt psychotic meds and is so tormented by her voices and is desperate for me to help her Abdi don't know how to help het except to hold her and love her, it is so painful to see her so desperately sad and tormented by her voices and delusions. Are there any other parents going thru the same thing I would very much like to talk with you ...





Re: Newly diagnosed schizophrenia in daughter aged 24

hello and welcome @Audrey64 Heart


Re: Newly diagnosed schizophrenia in daughter aged 24

@Audrey64  Hi Audry64 and thank you @Shaz51  for tagging me :). I have schizoaffective disorder and a son2 with schizophrenia diagnozed finally at 16. It is a tough gig and I commend you for being there for your daughter. What I have found works for me is living clean. No alcohol, drugs, healthy food (although I do have a bit of treats as life being clean can be totally boring for me).  Taking medication as prescribed by the doctor even when feeling better .... the thing is it will take along time for the meds to fully work from my experience and even then there will need to be adjustments. Nothing ever is straight forward with schizophrenia imho.


Tag me any time you want to talk. I am more than happy just to listen too when the days are rough. Love greenpea

Re: Newly diagnosed schizophrenia in daughter aged 24


Re: Newly diagnosed schizophrenia in daughter aged 24

Hello @Audrey64 


I'm new here too. Really struggling ATM and searching for supports. My son has schizoeffective disorder, he's 19 and I can't seem to get him on track no matter what. Happy to chat with you if that helps? Big hugs x

Re: Newly diagnosed schizophrenia in daughter aged 24

Hello @Anastasia 

i feel for you as a parent , my daughter is on a treatment order in a public psych ward, been there for 12 days now and we still haven't managed to meet with her treatment doctor, except for a phone call telling us she was being put on the order. I have tried to arrange a meeting , which was cancelled by the doctor at the last minute, I have tried contacting the mental health social worker at the hospital but there is only one and they are on leave indefinitely. We still haven't been formally told about our daughter's diagnosis, even though it is a serious life changing diagnosis. I found out when I visited from a copy of the  treatment order left next to my daughters bed. She was supposed to see a psychologist on the ward that hasn't happened either. She hasn't been reviewied by her doctor for three days now, even though it is a requirement under order to be reviewed every 48 hours. I am so stressed and upset about her care or lack of it, the nurses are great it's not their fault, Is it the public system? I don't know if it's better in private but we don't have private insurance anyway. My daughter has been on  a new antipsychotic for 11 days now , but is still not better , hiw long does it take before the meds to work does anyone know?

is this your sons first episode? Is he in hospital? My daughter has had two previous admissions with psychosis , then schizoaffective they said and now they are saying it's schizophrenia. the word alone just terrifies me. I am trying to be positive but it's hard. Is your son getting good treatment? Are you happy with it?

sorry to drone on ... Please feel free to reply when you can I am not going to sleep yet, I have trouble sleeping now, and am also drinking a bit too much of an evening in order to try to relax, but I know it's not the answer. Other than that I spend my time on you tube looking at videos about schizophrenia, looking for answers, did I cause her to become like this?

bye for now

Audrey 64


Re: Newly diagnosed schizophrenia in daughter aged 24


Re: Newly diagnosed schizophrenia in daughter aged 24

@Anastasia How are things going with your son?

Re: Newly diagnosed schizophrenia in daughter aged 24

Hello @Audrey64 


What you are experiencing from the hospital/doctors sounds horrific. I am so sorry! You have every right to be feeling stressed out, what you are going through is awful. I really do hope that since you sent this things have improved and you have been provided with some feedback/answers. I also hope that your daughter's condition has improved with the new medication? It is so difficult as they are "adults' we sometimes get treated as if we are in the way or a nuisance. I have had a doctor berate me for letting my son get to the level of mania that he had! Frustrating but stay determined, I have found there are usually more helpful staff that not.

My son has had 6 admissions, the first was public by ambulance and the rest voluntarily into private facilities. Each experience has been different due to the condition at the time. Sometimes mania, sometimes extremely low, but always to try to get his medication right. Most recently (last weekend) he was rushed to hospital as a result of toxiticity from his meds, scary is an understatement. As a result he was taken off all meds and has since been put back on just one. As awful as the experience was it was a Godsend. He has gone from being on 6 medications and way too sedated to now being able to see the real him. He now has light in his eyes if that makes sense? He still needs an anti depressant and he sees his Dr next week so I guess that is the next step. So far it's been not quite 18 months since the first admission. I do feel now that we are the closest to getting the medication right than we have ever been. So I can't give you a time frame of how long, and I do believe everybody is different but I live in hope (for your daughter too) that there will come a time when it clicks and they can move forward. You asked about good treatment, yes he is now although it took some time to convince him to try a new facility and doctor. He has had his new doctor now for around two months and whilst the toxiticy was as a result of the new doctors prescription according to statistics it is rare and only has 0.02% of past cases, my son was very unlucky and has no effects of the toxiticy any more, thank goodness! I too have watched and read as much as I can about my sons conditions, look up living well with schizophrenia on you tube. It gave me hope and it might help you too? Lastly no your daughter's condition is not from something you have done. As a mother we question everything I know and it is hard not to beat ourselves up when our child is suffering. Someone wise once told me not to feel guilty as guilt is a wasted emotion. It is hard though especially when they are struggling 😞 I feel for you I really do. From one Mum to another sending you strength and hugs. You've got this and so has your daughter Heart Look after yourself

Re: Newly diagnosed schizophrenia in daughter aged 24

Thankyou @Anastasia 

I am glad that your son seems to be improving and the doctors hopefully have found the right meds for him. Can I ask if his diagnosis is bipolar? My daughter has been diagnosed schizophrenia, a word/ label I find frightening. My daughter has been on her new meds almost 2 weeks with no improvement as yet, The doctors have said give it more time, another 2 or 3 weeks before we will know if they are working. In the meantime she is still suffering with her hallucinations and delusions which terrify her leaving her like a zombie but still unable to sleep due to the nightmares. I have lost faith in her doctor for reasons I won't go into here, but I have been told that I cannot change doctors in the public system. I am seeking out more support for myself as I am new here and have no friends or extended family supports and feel I am struggling. I feel guilty going to work and not being able to visit every day but I am on a casual contract so no sick pay or holiday pay.Anyway Thankyou again for replying , take care Audrey64