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Re: My Place

Yes! @MJG017 ... but I also feel that there is a threshhold and at one point, you WILL feel, "I can't do this anymore".


I was feeling a bit like that last week but was pushing through. Now I know it's probably because I physically wasn't well.


I'm still not 100% and most likely have the shingles, but my mind is clearer.

Re: My Place


I feel like if I passed that point, i probably wouldn't recognize it and wander past it. I've lost count of the amount of times i've said to myself "I can't do this anymore" that pas 12 months or so.  I just keep proving myself wrong.

Oww.. shingles.  I hope it's not too bad for you.

Re: My Place

Maybe you're just stronger than you think you are @MJG017 ?


For you to get through what you have, you're a battler, mate.

Re: My Place

That’s great that you are studying to be a Peer Support Worker @Oaktree 

I am thinking of doing the course too, I have only found out about it recently. Then I see it mentioned on forums and on Sane zoom meetings.

 I don’t know if I have the right way with people to be successful at it, but I think the course would be very interesting. I just have to work out if I can afford it.

Assignments are stressful.

So go easy on yourself

Re: My Place


I'm certainly a glutton for punishment it seems. 😀

Re: My Place

Hi @Dimity I have chatted with you on a couple of other threads. One was a thread I made about aging with MH issues.

You have an older cat and I have an older dog.

 I recall you have been in hospital lately. I hope you are recovering well and settling back into your own place with your cat

Re: My Place

Thanks for checking in @tyme 

I am travelling ok. I’ve limited my forum time a bit. Saying that, I’ve had some great chats especially with @MJG017 and that has been helpful. @Snuggles I have been chatting of late, that has been helpful. I suppose seeing the others on the forums gives me a sense that others are apparently ok has also helped. I was feeling concerned about all the people on HopeandLove’s chat as you know.

 I think a few of us are limiting our time a bit. I think the connections we find on here means we don’t stay away very long!

 I hope you are ok @tyme you’ve had some busy and difficult evenings on the forums with issues of grief for members and now cyclones! I see you may also be dealing with shingles which by itself is enough to handle without the work you do with Sane which is not easy by any measure. I hope you are remembering to heed your own advice and looking after yourself

Re: My Place

I think @tyme and @MJG017 you are both strong people. The way you support others even when yourselves are handling so much other stuff.

Probably many people on these forums, those that comment and support other people, are strong people too. Pretty much you’re on the forums because you have a MH issue, so to reach out to help other people is great. People not on the forums could learn so much from people on here - like open-mindedness, compassion, acceptance of differences, sometimes just how to be a human. 
I wonder if anyone will do some research around these type of forums.

Re: My Place

Yes @Till23 , I did end up having the shingles. It's spread all across my back, left side and front left torso. It's not terribly painful which is good. I'm on anti-virals now. Not a big issue.


As for the awesome chats here with @Oaktree @MJG017 @Snuggles , it's been pretty awesome. I feel we are all on the same page with things.


In my own MH recovery, these forums were invaluable to me - I'm here because I had a space to reach out and share my story - just like others here 🙂


Thanks for listening to my rambling!

Re: My Place

Oh no sorry to hear you have shingles @tyme 

Is it really itchy? It’s a big area so I hope not and hopefully you don’t get the horrible nerve pain. Which don’t hesitate to get pain relief for.  With this type of pain, more than others, it’s much easier to control if you get on it early rather than waiting until it’s bad to get pain relief (not medical advice, of course, just a suggestion).

 I am glad you are on anti virals.

Yes I am finding the chats and sense of community here very helpful.

I’ve also learnt so much which, if not directly relevant right now, I have filed away in my brain in case I need it in the future. Hopefully the filing system still works then 🤪.


Not rambling @tyme but sharing as you think you’d like to.


 I hope you are getting enough rest in with some big days on forums on top of whatever else is happening for you. You know what they say about shingles - it happens when you are run down. You are very well liked and respected on here, so we all want you to make a full and quick recovery.