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Casual Contributor

Re: Bipolar

Just curious to know. I was told by my mental health nurse bipolar is bipolar. So youve just mentioned above that you are bipolar type 2. My question is are there two types of bupolar or is it all the same. Sorry this is all new to me ive been told i have bipolar and when i asked if it was type 1 or 2 they said its all the same. Can anyone help clarify this for me. Thankyou

Re: Bipolar

Hi Adam

I'm not a physc but type 1 was explained to me to be extreme highs and lows. Like driving 100 km over the speed limit and not realizing it or not sleeping for days and feeling fine. Hope that helps
Casual Contributor

Re: Bipolar

What about type 2 ? Ive been told I have bipolar & my husband asked which 1 or 2 and they told him that bipolar is bipolar thers no 1 or 2 ? Its all very new & confusing

Re: Bipolar

Type 2 is less extreme highs and lows
Casual Contributor

Re: Bipolar

The difference, I've been told, is 2 has more depressive symptoms than mania, or the mania doesn't last as long. Although the intensity of symptoms can be the same for both. I have 2, my daughter has 1, and this makes sense to me.

Re: Bipolar

Hi sounds as though some of us have been misdiagnosed. My highs are awgul - irritable angry working at excessive speeds thinking everyone else zhpuld do the same. it's exhausting and i too feel such shame if i hurt someone. looking forward to the downer

Re: Bipolar

Hi Snuffles,

I have not been diagnosed but I'm just at the beginning of realising what I have been for the last 29 years. It would be comforting to know why your doctor is thinking bipolar and what journey you are on. 

I had a break up- through manic behaviour gone wrong one too many times I guess. Then my partner didn't know I was going through depression for a few months- I tried to deny it to myself. 

The break up was hard- I was pushed to the edge of depression. It was then i discovered I had the many signs of Bipolar..Tested myself over and over on online tests. It all made sense and you would think that was bad news but it was actually comforting to know my behaviour wasn't all my fault. I've slowly disclosed it to my family and doctor and am with referral to a psycologist. My doctor said it was very likely. I cant see my disorder as anything else- I certainly go through bouts of depression and high activity, but longer with the depression. 

It would be great to hear your story. 

Re: Bipolar

Hi @Bushman ,

This looks like a very old post.  You need to put a @ at the front of the name so they get a notification and/or email about your message.  @Snuffles 


It's nice to meet you, I saw your post the other day about fishing and your dog. I enjoy fishing, but, have very little freshwater experienced, always fished in the ocean or lakes.


I have bipolar 2,was diagnosed last year after a breakdown and manic episode.

Casual Contributor

Re: Bipolar

I can relate, if I'm lucky I get 3 days out of depression and 7 in. Its awful and utterly exhausting and I’d also prefer being hyper manic. But my hyper mania is just me being able to function and the occasional lift in optimism. It kinda fools me into thinking I’m ok and then bam I’m back down again. 

Re: Living with Bipolar

Hey there, 


You mentioned being off medication. I'm struggling with mine atm and it's making my depressive episode worse. 


I've had 4 different ones


Im struggling with side effects and it's making my quality of life really bad. I can't live like this everyday. 


What have you done to keep off meds and not have an episode?