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Autistic, BiPolar, Anxious,....

Yeah, I'm all those things and so much more. G'day


Re: Autistic, BiPolar, Anxious,....

Hi, I'm 2 out of those 3 & probably more too.  Living with these conditions over a long period of time certainly takes it's toll.  I've only been diagnosed for 1 year, but the medication is helping & my new understanding of my illneses seems to be of benefit most of the time 🙂

Re: Autistic, BiPolar, Anxious,....

Hi, autisticartist

Your chosen name also proudly states you are an artist.  I think Art is such a hugly important contribution to a healthy vigerant /community and it is disappointing that people can sometimes forget that that those of us that see / feel / visulise the world differently are behind much of the art that community values.  It is also a wonderful way for us to share what is unitque to us - I hope you continue to stand pround of this aspect o yourself and value what you contribute in your own way.  What type of art do you create?  What are you most proud of?  I have just started photography again after a very long time - as I said on another reply - taking photos helps me see beyond of the grey of the word.

cheers Crystal

Re: Autistic, BiPolar, Anxious,....

Hi, and welcome! Yes, please, tell us about your art.