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Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

It all sounds difficult, @Dimity 😣


You don't have your own red bin? 


Getting up hourly during the night would make things pretty hard to cope with, I reckon 😥🫂


Would you consider a meal prep and delivery service? Just temporarily? Ready frozen or fresh meals? I know they are expensive, though. 


I am exhausted this morning. The pot luck meal with the neighbours went well but I got to sleep late. I have the dentist today plus I need to pop into work to train someone. Plus I should go to the chemist. All I want to do is go back to sleep. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hugs @NatureLover . It's good It's not a full day at work but the extra takes a toll. I hope you find time to rest.

I usually set aside bins for myself but they're too heavy for me to look after at the moment. I've been having to remind people to put them all out for me - I usually do it for everyone.

I hadn't thought of meal delivery. I'm mulling a separate  fruit/veg delivery for seasonal produce.

How have the dogs been lately?

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thanks for the hugs @Dimity 


A fruit / veg delivery might be good except then you have to expend energy cooking it. 


Yes, if I didn't have the dentist today I might've done a full shift at work. I really need to, I'm so behind in the paperwork. But an extra day usually overloads me, so I'm resisting. 


I hope people have been returning the favour and putting your bins out consistently. 


The aggressive dog is still away, thank goodness. I'm slowly adjusting to the well-behaved dog.