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Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@NatureLover it's Friday. My psychiatrist encouraged me to stay for the duration although I'll be anxious and overwhelmed and wanting to leave early.

Good luck with the groceries, I hope it's not too busy.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity , I hope you're not too anxious about Friday - that it's not stopping you from sleeping 🤞


Luckily it wasn't too busy when I popped to the local small supermarket on Sunday. 


Last night after work I bought some spring onions. They're so tiny and wispy - I hope I can plant them out today without losing any.  


This morning I had an MRI at 6.55am! I knocked back the 6.15am appt time! It's just for my arthritis. I also went to get my 3-month iron blood test done, for after my iron infusion. 


I've got a friend who's a dog whisperer, and she offered to come round to help me make friends with the dogs next door. It won't be till this weekend or the following weekend thankfully, as I need to tidy up the chaos for her visit 😯


Hope you are managing OK...

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hello @NatureLover that would have been an early start, to arrive in time. I hope the MRI helps inform your treatment, and you're not in too much pain. I was told arthropathy was one of the things wrong with my back, but not arthritis specifically.

A skewer or small stick might help you with planting the spring onions. It will be fiddly. 

That's a great idea  re the dogs, and very brave. Fingers crossed it works out. Re tidying the house try to remember your friend is there to help, not to judge you, but I understand your feelings. 

I'm quite anxious about Friday, about a big social event and possible conflict and navigating to venues and not measuring up. 

On the weekend I was busy contacting cat rescues as my neighbour doesn't know how to use Google search or social media. We got one cat to the RSPCA and the kittens are being fostered. Then yesterday my own cat had a hospital admission for tests, and came home quite traumatised (and maybe there  was also the after-effects of sedation). 

One day at a time.

Hope your day goes well @NatureLover and you can get in some 10 minute bursts of tidying,  or whatever works for you.



Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Oh no re your cat, @Dimity ! But hang on - are the tests a good thing? Is this with a new vet clinic? 


I had to google the word "arthropathy". 


Thanks. I'm hoping with the MRIs to get my arthritis officially diagnosed and treated. 


Thanks for the planting tip about the small stick 👍


I could complain about the dogs, but that would cause bad relations with the neighbour snd could rebound on me. So I'm going to try to make them see me as not a threat. 


I'm sending wishes for you for Friday 🤞

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thanks @NatureLover . 

The cat's tests were with our usual vet. They'd taken note of my concerns.  It's good his tests were OK but the weight loss etc are still unexplained. I'm waiting to hear from the vet about next steps.

Gosh I hope things improve with those threatening dogs. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

So you got the results from the tests already? And they're inconclusive? 😥 @Dimity I hope your vet knows what to do. And I'm glad they listened to you. 


Thanks. One problem is the dogs are always loose and running around. So I spoke to the owner and he agreed to have them on the leash when I'm outside. Whether this actually happens or not, we'll see. 


Good luck today with whatever you need to do. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hello @NatureLover .

Odd to let the dogs roam if the place isn't securely fenced.

The cat's test results were normal apart from a mildly raised one. I had to pick up some meds for him today but the treatment plan is different to what was agreed yesterday. It's all been very expensive and doesn't seem helpful. Someone suggested it might be his teeth but the vet never checks, and refused when I asked. I don't understand as with my previous cats and previous vets it was routine, and a couple of the cats had dental procedures. 

Have you talked to your neighbour about the dog whisperer?





Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hello @Dimity , how are you today my awesome friend 😍


hello @tyme , @Eve7 , @NatureLover 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity 


That sounds very strange (and bad) that the vet refused to check Tiger's teeth! It doesn't sound like a very good vet. But I'm glad Tiger's test results weren't seriously bad. 


Yes, this property is not suitable for dogs at all! I mentioned to my neighbour that my friend the dog whisperer would be coming round to help me meet the dogs. 


I hope you will be OK in the heat the next few days 🤞

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Just hopped back on @Dimity as I remembered today is Thursday and you have your family event tomorrow. 


Sending wishes you can sleep tonight, and that the event goes better than you expect. That your family are respectful and supportive and not critical - well, it doesn't hurt to wish that! And that you can cope 🤞