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2 weeks out from break down of an 8 year relationship

My partner's complex mental health problems have been a consistent backdrop in our relationship since the beginning. It really reached a head when multiple traumatic events all cascaded at once and it made it very tense between us. Our last conversation as a couple was not constructive at all, a lot of feelings were shared from a place of resentment and I deeply regret my part. After living apart for 2 months, she made the decision to separate and we are both making an effort to keep it as amicable and a clean break-off as possible.

I'm very lucky to have a lot of friends who have been there for me. I am quickly realising how weak my capacity to be alone is. The notion of feeling alone like this can be crushing at times and I just feel so lost. I wrestle with thoughts of hoping that she'll change her mind, is she grieving too? I seem to have such a hard time being compassionate to myself. It took 2 weeks but it's only the last few days where the grief has really struck and at times it's really intense. I've heard from literally every person supporting me that it just takes time and it's just so hard to accept. I'm very fortunate to have a counsellor that I have been actively working with.

I just miss her so much. Growing up with a rather dysfunctional family, being with her represented so much stability, safety and love, it makes the loss so profound. In the end, I can't deny that the same issues were repeating themselves over the years, I can't deny the part I played in some of those issues, I can't even deny the incredible hardship and compromise I had to accept in being a partner with someone who struggles as much as she did. In having time to think about what she wanted, she ultimately said that she really wanted to find herself and focus on that. Given our history, she could not truly focus on herself without making sacrifices if we are not decoupled, and I care about her too much to deny her that. I still fought for reconciliation, but in the end her decision didn't budge given her priorities right now and the repeated problems in our history. Our communication had evolved and improved so much over the years but in the end those problems still persisted, rooted in hang-ups that came from both her and myself.

It's such a shame, we had overcome so many hurdles, even a brief period where we had broken up 6 years ago. I believe that I had it in me to do the work and get through this so we could thrive again, I see now that in contrast, she must not have any more to give, not without making sacrifices on working on herself. 

Like I said, the grief is starting to settle in, the loneliness, emptiness and anxiety can be crushing sometimes. I am very lucky to have a strong support network, but they can't always be there. I wrestle with hopeful and wishful thoughts of her changing her mind a lot lately, that and wanting reassurance or clarity I'll never get (is she grieving, did she care about me, was I ever a good partner... etc). Even through I never really get a breakthrough, it does help to share.

The last thing I'll say is that it's just so hard to be proud of the work I'm doing, because my inner critic seems to hold the position that "too little too late, it won't bring her back". I know I need to give myself some slack.


Re: 2 weeks out from break down of an 8 year relationship

Hi @Ipponka and welcome to the forums.

I know that you say at the end of your post that you're finding it hard to feel proud of yourself of the work you're doing, so I just want to highlight what a monumental effort it is to engage in such self-reflection so soon after your relationship ending. It can be such a difficult thing to do while we are also grieving and adjusting to life outside of the relationship. 

Break ups are always so tough, but it sounds as though you are doing everything you can do to be supported while you process the change - leaning on your support system of friends and your counsellor, and reaching out here too. I'm glad that this can be a space for you to share during this time, and that it might be helpful in such a hard time.

Re: 2 weeks out from break down of an 8 year relationship

Thanks for responding @Ru-bee.


It's really nice of you to say that. I definitely need to work on affirming the work I have been doing for myself. It really hasn't been that long and this is the first time i've ever truly been alone. It's really hard at times and at least right now I'm not ready to even think about accepting the loss. 


Re: 2 weeks out from break down of an 8 year relationship

Not going to is a rollercoaster of emotions and there will be good days and horrible days. When I seperated from my ex, it was rough. There was dv and very poor mental health involved. I am 2.5 yrs down the track and still fighting to bring myself out of this hole.......but there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel now. I actually have a life ahead of me. Things will get better for you. Trust me. It will take time though.....and tonnes of therapy sessions and forum chats 😉. It is possible though. I think they say it takes about 2-5 years for things to settle after separation (if you have kids together). Less if you don't. It's not a fast process but hang in there!!!!!!!!!!

Re: 2 weeks out from break down of an 8 year relationship

How are you going @Ipponka ?

Re: 2 weeks out from break down of an 8 year relationship

Thanks for saying that. We don't have to worry about co-parenting but we do have a house to settle. It's still very soon but I'm working very hard to manage the feelings of dread and fear that I'll never overcome the love we had or that I can be in any partnership again. It's (slightly) reassuring that people in a similar position to me can say that there is a way out.

I'll be honest it's hard to believe but I'm working on that self worth, working to appreciate my own company and self care vis friends and hobbies. Thanks for messaging 🙂

Re: 2 weeks out from break down of an 8 year relationship

Thanks for checking in @tyme 


Some days have been very hard. People tell me I should be proud of being able to do half days at work and making the effort to go outside, express empathy for her etc. it shuts hard cause I feel like these small good things won't change my situation or bring her back. I know I'm being unfair but it's really hard to shake.


I'm learning to be more mindful and working to educate myself on how my attachment style has played a role in why things were so difficult for both of us. One big gap is working on my self worth and learning to enjoy my own company without the safety of knowing I have someone at home waiting for me.

Re: 2 weeks out from break down of an 8 year relationship

Hearing you @Ipponka .


Learning to enjoy your own self worth is absolutely worth it. It places less demand on yourself. I think I like my own company. Just to chill, read, relax 🙂


I hear your grief over the loss. Please be kind to yourself and let yourself grieve in the way that works for you.


The change is definitely hard.

Re: 2 weeks out from break down of an 8 year relationship

@tymethanks again for responding. The grief definitely comes in waves and acceptance and letting go of that emotional connection is definitely not quite on the cards right now.


I feel like my journey with this new change has it's progresses and setbacks, sometimes by the hour. I am learning a lot about my own fears, wants and needs and how they have been informed by my childhood struggles.


The pain of the loss is an almost constant backdrop. I'm glad that I am giving myself the space to feel those feelings, even if they are intense and wildly inconvenient (sobbing while driving is not fun but very cathartic). At times confronting the idea of being alone, I can't stop replaying her saying "I don't see us getting back together" in my mind and I feel flooded with a wave of anxiety or feeling of being lost.

Re: 2 weeks out from break down of an 8 year relationship

Would it help to celebrate the growth you have made as part of the relationship @Ipponka ?