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Relationships: Maintaining boundaries when experiencing complex mental health issues

SANE Mental Health Meet-Up chat forum was interesting tonight 

tonights topic was called 

Relationships: Maintaining boundaries when experiencing complex mental health issues
 about identifying and maintaining boundaries when navigating complex mental health issues for yourself or your loved ones

at home, , at work place , friends and families , our children, our partners,our  parents , our siblings , etc 

tagging a few members @Adge@BPDSurvivor@eth@Zoe7@Bow , @Former-Member , @TideisTurning , @Former-Member , @Daisydreamer 

we had lots of members there tonight 

@Former-Member, @Faith-and-Hope@outlander@Snowie@Dadcaringalone@frog@WriterMelb@NatureLover  , @Maggie@Judi9877@jem80@Emelia8@Owlunar@Appleblossom@MDT@TAB@Eve7@Determined 


Re: Relationships: Maintaining boundaries when experiencing complex mental health issues

It was an awesome turnout! @Shaz51 

Re: Relationships: Maintaining boundaries when experiencing complex mental health issues

looks like I missed it @Shaz51  um still getting over dentist yest, yeah its an excuse oh well

Re: Relationships: Maintaining boundaries when experiencing complex mental health issues

Thanks for starting this Thread/ Discussion @Shaz51 

@Zoe7mentioned being able to improve boundaries & the relationship with her mother - after considerable effort & a hard conversation.

I've been able to improve boundaries (over several decades), with my mother also - Although I am not able to have a "Boundary Conversation" with my Mum.

When my Mum does not like anything that she is hearing (or that I say) - She either Screams at me (over the Telephone), or she Hangs Up on me & Terminates the phone call.

This makes Asserting Myself with my Mum (or Setting Boundaries) Almost Impossible.

It is a form of Communication Sabotage - because by Hanging Up & Terminating the phone conversation, my Mum is stopping me from improving the relationship (by setting healthy boundaries).


Re: Relationships: Maintaining boundaries when experiencing complex mental health issues

@Former-Member , are you able to include the links here to the info pages you referred to tonight in the chat? That is, healthy relationships/boundaries and the differences between rigid, porous and healthy boundaries? I think both are fantastic resources to share. 


Re: Relationships: Maintaining boundaries when experiencing complex mental health issues

I tried to get on @Shaz51 but could not get into the site. And no links worked either.

Re: Relationships: Maintaining boundaries when experiencing complex mental health issues

that is a great idea @BPDSurvivor 

we will ask @Former-Member to put the link here Smiley Very Happy

I wonder if we can tag all the people that was on the chatline tonight ?

I have not got the list @TideisTurning 

hello @TAB , that is why we are sharing it here my friend 

 @Adge , yes some don`t understand , it is like mr shaz , he is in bed by 9pm by the latest , so people wonder why we don`t stay longer 

Re: Relationships: Maintaining boundaries when experiencing complex mental health issues

You've got a lot of the members that were present I think @Shaz51 😊. Apart from that, off the top of my head, there was also @eth & @Former-Member 

I can see the lovely @Emelia8 & @TAB have joined us here too! I'm sorry you weren't able to join/ make it, but we'd love to hear any other thoughts you'd like to contribute on the topic, so feel free to post them here!

Re: Relationships: Maintaining boundaries when experiencing complex mental health issues

Sorry I missed it!

I had a medical appointment to go to and now I am so stuffed from it. As per the instructions given after the appointment was to go home and sit with a heat pack and apply lots of heat. I have been melting away my soreness.


I'm exhausted, but feel better!

Re: Relationships: Maintaining boundaries when experiencing complex mental health issues

Do you have any idea why I could not join the meet up tonight @TideisTurning ? 


I had registered earlier in the day, saw my name there and everything. But tonight I just kept gettin a message telling me I could not access the site.


Incidentally the links to 'get support' on this site, are also not working for me tonight.

