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Re: Living with Ourselves

.. had geraniums down side of house never went in boulder WA watered them one period in 6 years tough as guts @Jacques  ok was big old plant   and  shade most of day

Re: Living with Ourselves

oh wow @TAB i have to water mine 2 times a week, maybe im over watering them? 

Re: Living with Ourselves

..are you sure they are geraniums ?? @Jacques  .. treat em mean, keep em keen , if obv dying, water them ..

i have not watered 'lawn' or garden here in 5 months .. ok most was winter ancient rose bushes that seriously needed ok ..serious pruning plus looked all dying and mangled now all bushy , green have like 50 flowers on one giant plant ha ha  lol , I have not touched it ha ha ha ha lol....................

Re: Living with Ourselves


..not watered by me @Jacques  moved in 05/05/23


Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @tonys 




I am speechless!


Not possible everyone reading this might be thinking. If anyone does read it of course.



Induced coma for 2 months and now on a drip to slowly bring your mind and body back to consciousness.


Now Tony's would say:


What on earth are you doing on here spreading yourself about dishing out advice.


I can remember you telling me about the submarine and my needing to take care where I went; where I berthed it.

How much time I spent on here helping others. Ringing any bells yet?


Do as you say not as you do?


You need to be resting not scanning a computer and looking after others.

Look after you.


I know that you won't listen and tell me that you are fine.


On another note.......... how did you know that I had a huge tree? Well I have. It oversees my garden. My protector.


I am not writing any more as you have too much to read already.


Look after you and thank you for your kind words before.


Big hug


Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @Jacques 


When does your mum have to go to Sydney and will you be going with her?


Your garden is thanking you....showing appreciation ....rewarding you with beautiful blooms....



Your gardenia starting to resprout...

Mine is looking unhappy with me still from when I went away.....

Seriously the garden looked like it was sulking when we got home...along with our cat...


I fed everything as well and small pruning is all that I can manage now...


I have a gardener monthly now and he staked and pruned a tree for me which looks much better.

His workers pruned some bushes and shaped some of them nicely....some hurriedly...

Tis fine I tidied them up gradually....

I am just so thankful to have some help...


Husband does lawn parts.....I do all different garden beds and plants in garden house. ...They were not looking happy either!


I forgot about your pig face. ...I pruned mine last year or year before and they have not returned...

Will buy some more if I can find some..


There is much still that I want to do in my garden....I think this is the case for everyone who loves gardening...

takes time...seasons and money..


You sound brighter and a little more energy perhaps?

I hope so....

I also hope that you are feeling supported by your psychiatrist as well....important so that you can feel safe opening up when and if needing to..


Let me know what else is growing in your garden..


Yes I remember your made me smile when you called yourself a nerd...older son refers to himself as that ...or he used to...I have not been able to speak to him for so long now...

He loves scientific...IT....environmental.....gardening...mainly organic vegetables and fruit...also native indians like myself..



big hugs

my friend Jacques

It has been several years since I first met you on the forums..



ps let me know if my replies are too long and give you a headache...

Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @TAB 


Is the rose in the picture a bush...standard rose or climbing...Looks incredibly healthy...


I hear that your strategy not touch it...


I think that I do overwater sometimes...

We have very strong winds here as well...

All kinds of pesky dare they..

As for snails....!!


Have you plans for a small area at a time to work on?

Do you like sitting outside at night during daylight savings?

I love that time and try to focus on the areas that are thriving only...


What other plants have you discovered?


Is it a nice little quiet country town?

Are you starting to feel that you are finally home now?


take care Tab


Re: Living with Ourselves

Hi @Sophia1  no , not at home here . It will be a Process (?) ..

thanks re (white? ) rose  .. plant looked dead a few months ago..

 Time will Tell .. re others .....


Re: Living with Ourselves

Seem to remember it was a huge gum.  You spoke of it one summer when the heat was unrelenting.


Yes @Sophia1  I sure did have the devil snaping at my heals but then it dawned on him.   If he lets me in down there,    I'll  take over and run things.


Well It feels good knowing you care about me.  Always said,    your a good mum.


My sense of humour and bad taste are my dipstick.    When Its too low I promise I'll bail.

Started Physio and they are keeping me busy. Reckon I work harder in hospital than I do on the farm. 


Yes the sub hey. I remember lots of missions.   You endlessly searching for the lost,   and me,

well when I fade off,  someone else takes the wheel behind my eyes and I just have to hope they bring me back without a heap of supermarket carpark park scratches.


What can't be explained ,  must be endured.   So long as our laughter's not manufactured, then mate

we're doing OK.


Kindest thoughts to you old friend.                          tonys   mb  1                 






Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @TAB 

Responding to your reply about feeling at home yet or not.

Yes it does take time.

Moving to a new home let alone another town is a huge change.

I know when I have moved I try to remind myself of what I like about my new home. New opportunities as in places to see. Walks if you can are a great way of getting to know your area.

Relaxing and being proud of yourself for buying a new home in this financial climate.


Several positives even if they are not yet standing out.

What is going on with you can also colour your experience.

You will get there day by day.

Yes that is life though for those of us on the by day.

