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Recovery Club

Senior Contributor


I have been through a difficult time with deciding to leave a very unhealthy and sometimes abusive relationship....

I gathered all my courage, but didn't leave when I had the opportunity..

This has taught me a lot.

I re-made my decisions, and am letting my Mum and psychologist know that I'm going to leave this time. That'll keep me supported and accountable to myself. Sometimes subtle but powerful suffering is easy to ignore, until it nearly breaks one.

I feel clear again, and hope that helps me move forward this time.. I'll be leaving a beautiful home in the mountains, and I felt like I would lose myself if I left here, but I'm afraid I got it wrong. Here's to some good fortune coming my way as I navigate this. At least I've learnt that I don't need his permission to leave. I'm a lot less hesitant now, so that's good. It's been a quiet nightmare. Alice.


Re: Finally..

Good on you @Alice10 . It's a very hard thing to do but I'm sure will lead you to a better life. Best wishes

Re: Finally..

Good on you @Alice10  for making this decision. Here's hoping you find peace and happiness.

Re: Finally..

Morning @Alice10 


Well done on probably making one of the hardest decisions in your life.  Now for the practicalities, do you have somewhere safe to go once you leave, and do you have people to help with the actual move.  Wishing you all the best in this new chapter in your life and the very best of luck........Asgard

Re: Finally..

Wishing you all the best on your next steps @Alice10, having your mum and psychologist involved sounds like it is exactly what you need. Moving forward is never easy but it sounds like you're more than ready, stay safe, you got this 💜

Re: Finally..

Hi, @Alice10 it can take a lot of courage and willpower to do what you did, good on you! Sometimes it can be tough and scary, but I am sure you did what's best for you. I wish you all the best, success and happiness on your next journey in life, take care. 

Re: Finally..

@Hope2Recovery thank you very much, lovely, for your comments Alice

Re: Finally..

@MermaidHair thank you, Alice 💕🌻

Re: Finally..

@Ainjoule thank you. I hope I find peace and happiness too. Thanks for the support. Alice.

Re: Finally..

@destructive thank you for the  understanding and kind comment. Hard is an understatement, god, but yes, you gotta do what you gotta do. Alice.

Thanks again.

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