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Bushfire Community Ambassador

New free online resource which may be of use/benefit

Hello everyone - I just receieved this in my facebook newsfeed and thought I'd share it here as it may be helpful to some. Take Care. 

"Following the summer bushfires, Broulee Psychology was fortunate enough to receive some grants to provide support for our community. We did this through a mix of face to face and online groups to help our community manage their mental health following the bushfires. To mark the first anniversary of the most devastating day for our area, we have transferred the online group content to Teachable, an online learning platform that allows anyone online to participate in the online group. This means you can access all the content from the seven-week program, completed in your own time, at your own pace. It is also completely confidential and best of all it is completely FREE. What do you have to lose? Check it out today and learn some helpful strategies to manage your mental health during these challenging times. Click on the link below to check it out. We look forward to supporting you.