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Pyschotic partner.

I do not use drugs but my partner got into ICE and became completely psychotic. My home life became a living hell. He ended up in a Psyc Hospital. Seemed to come good after that (almost), but relapsed again over past couple of weeks. This time he isnt violent, quite the opposite. Life again is hell at home. He started back on his meds which is left over from last time. I work 6 days a week just to keep the house going. He took all my savings and spent it. I have so many debts because of him. I cant yet ge him back to the doctor. I hope the meds kicks in soon. Its only been 3 days of taking it. I hope he dosnt get violent again. My life has become a total misery. Is anyone out there been through what Im going through? We dont have any conversation. Half the time he dosnt answer me when i speak. I dont even know how to talk to him or if im saying the correct things.


Re: Pyschotic partner.


Ice is such a terrible horrible drug on so many levels.

Im very sorry to read that your partner has relapsed.

Im wondering if you comfortable enough to speak to your partners old doctors to tell them the news and get advice?


And im wondering why he has started to take his old medications? Has he discussed feeling unwell again with you at all? This although may seem like a good idea- he needs to see a doctor before taking any meds.


As for your money issues, i think you can get a one off bill support from welfare agencies such as: St Vincent De Paul, Red Cross and possibly centrelink depending on your situation. If you explain whats happening at home they will help you.


Please keep your phone (charged ) and keys on you as much as you can- just incase you need to leave or ring 000.


Let us all know how things progress. i hope for the best. 



Re: Pyschotic partner.

Hi @wlf57

What a terrible situation for you to be in. It must be so hard working so much and then going home to someone who doesn't talk to you and makes you miserable.

I hope this doesn't sound too forward, but I'm curious to know why you're still with this person. You don't seem to be getting anything from this relationship, except pain and heart ache.

I just posted in this discussion to @Karajade about boundaries and limitations. Have you created some for yourself. My main point to Karajade was, 5-10 - 50 years down the track, there is a chance where you will find yourself in a worse situation that has gradually worsened over time and it gets this bad because there's no boundaries or limits in place to say 'No, that's enough"

While it's not always equal, there should be mutual love and care between 2 people. You deserve a happy, loving and fulfilling relationship.

It concerns me that he's been violent before - please take care of yourself if things escalate. @Baboo  also made a good point about medication - sometimes meds that have worked before, may react differently, so it's advised to speak to a doctor before going on any medication.

Keep us posted on how things are going .We are here to support you.