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Re: Need Help with Depressed Husband

Hey Melstar71,


It seems like a lot of us are in the same boat!!!


Have you spoken to the Dr who prescribed that medication about this effect the medication has? Maybe he/she has some tips on managing the side effect?


Welcome to the forums by the way!




Re: Need Help with Depressed Husband

Consider joining a gym with your husband.
Exercise can help some people with depression,can give energy and also be social.
Either the PCYC or YMCA has a program for people with depression,I forget which one sorry.

Re: Need Help with Depressed Husband


He see's his psychiatrist every fortnight who is monitoring the increase in medication. I find if he has had a good sleep the night before and has something on the agenda to do for the day he is more motivated to get up.

Great forum!



Re: Need Help with Depressed Husband


Thanks for the suggestion and I will look at that in the near future. At the moment my husband has been mainly house bound due to the fear / anxious of crowds and fear / anxious of being around a lot of people. It is a struggle for him to go to the local shops even with me but as he keeps having a go at getting out of the house he finds it slowly helps.


Re: Need Help with Depressed Husband

Reads like you are doing all the rights things, push that pushy label away :0)
I am so much of a fan of timetables. Even writing
10am. To 10.30 am.....drink glass water.

Mel, how are you today?

I have used timetables , with my ex husband who was diagnosed with suffering times of mental illness.
I found some examples of some brilliant timetables on pininterest on the website.

also, talking about.......casual walks. I live where the local council of the area where you live has a blurb of things like.local swimming pools....easy paced walks....libraries...etc.
Just talking about an easy paced walk is sometimes just enough. not going on the walk but talking may bring motivation for the future.

Re: Need Help with Depressed Husband

Thankyou everyone for all your tips @NikNik, @Kaz, @PeppiPatty, @Melstar71, @ivana

@NikNik.--Have you spoken to the Dr who prescribed that medication about this effect the medication has? Maybe he/she has some tips on managing the side effect? -- we have an appointment in February , can`t wait ,

my hubby doing a lot better today , but is starting to sleep more

Re: Need Help with Depressed Husband

Dear @Shaz51

Thanks for the compliment.....Ille just read the others.......@Ivana wrote!!

It's a difficult situation that we are in.......on Monday, @LittleBuddha had problems with his bank and I hoed in there with all the right info but .............the woman who helped us was very young and incompetant and @LittleBuddha wanted to deal with it all himself........groan........

he worked it all out at another bank!! I had been saying to him that I feel that dependent 100% on me and it's completely getting me down so......he's been managing his own's been awesome.......

The only proeblems are that he's been convincing Arlo to love him is moving in!!

Re: Need Help with Depressed Husband

@PeppiPatty, @Kaz, @Melstar71, @ivana@NikNik, During the day my hubby  can get very tired due to his medication , to do a couple of jobs and then want to go to sleep

Re: Need Help with Depressed Husband

hi @Shaz51
how are you tonight ? i just have no idea how you keep on ....your like this superstar !!
in my past life.... at age 40 thats just 8 years ago ....i kept on ...but its the medication ...
in 2003 a Psychiatrist perscribed me these awesome great meds to keep me awake but i chucked them all out because i was taking so many different meds..

i think that this is when i ask you hows "taking care of yourself going ?
im just crusing along ...
. today i had a. coffee with mum. what was .......bizarre...
at last she listened to me when i was speaking about losing my home

speak tomorrow hope ypu sleep well @Shaz51

Re: Need Help with Depressed Husband

hello my friend    , thank you for your kind words , but i do have moments from time to time HeartHeart

that is wonderful that you  had a. coffee with your  mum. 

        is right , NikNik is worried about me if I am looking after myself