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Don't know where to turn, and how to access help!


Re: Don't know where to turn, and how to access help!

Welcome @Jan04,
I am thinking it would be wise to contact Centre link or search Crnterlibk to find out how eligibility for Cater Payment works.
It would be great if someone from Centre link could be a guest on our monthly forum to handle specific questions on how Carer payments are determined and whether in fact your mum would lose any access to other services?
I think it would be your mum's GP who might need to sign that she requires your brother's assistant as a carer? @NikNik, @CherryBomb, @Hobbit..any suggestions please?

Re: Don't know where to turn, and how to access help!

I agree with @Alessandra1992 - have a good chat to centrelink. I also think (& maybe someone like @Hobbit has an idea about this) there are services available for people with MH difficulties, that isn't means tested. This would be through other not for profit organisations. I will also have a look into this.


Make sure you connect with organisations who can give you more advice, or at least lead you in the right direction. If you google ARAFMI, you can find the closest ARAFMI to you. They have a lot of relevant referrals. Also Carers Australia could be helpful (again, google and find your state based branch). 


I've seen @Cazzie give some good advice about the carers allowance & payment. Cazzie - do you have any advice?





Re: Don't know where to turn, and how to access help!

Hi Sandy and Nik,

                           Thanks for your replies. I'm not so concerned about the Centrelink stuff, I'm not affraid to block his application, I know Mum will help him apply if he pushes enough, that's just what she does, it's too hard for her to cope with the confrontation, so she ends up doing what he wants. I'm more concerned with getting him professional help. I have offered to take him to my GP and ask for a referral, but he doesn't like women apart from Mum, so he won't go anywhere with me. He loves me, but due to his ASD he doesn't have the ability to communicate with me in any real way. Mum will continue to enable him until the end. My Dad also had ASD and he died due to his depression, with Mum hiding facts from him and us for most of my life, I know it's not her fault, but it doesn't fix things ignoring them. So basically I'm asking where to go to get him the professional help he needs, he has agreed to see a psychiatrist, I know he may back down and refuse to go, or not like what the doctors tell him, but they have to have encountered people like my brother before, and know ways to help him.

Again, many thanks for reading this, Jan

Re: Don't know where to turn, and how to access help!

Hi Jan04, have a look at
They are one of the peak organisations for people on the spectrum..they might have a list of professionals or peer groups in your State or Territory..

Re: Don't know where to turn, and how to access help!

Thank you!