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Re: Topic Tuesday - now open: Stepping off the distress seesaw

@Loopy I like your analogy of the merry go round. Do you find that you have moments when can step away from going around in circles. Or is more going round and around for you? 

Re: Topic Tuesday - now open: Stepping off the distress seesaw

Hey Loopy, thanks for your comment.

I couldn't agree with you more ... the roundabout of finding self back at the top of the seesaw is common.

Often, people seem to view this as a failure.

However, it is part of the process to re-visit the see-saw and be able to see the places where we are managing differently or better.

What do you do when you find yourself back on the top of the see-saw Loopy?

Re: Topic Tuesday - now open: Stepping off the distress seesaw

SunnyDaisy, after seventeen years of facing trauma of just about every type and no councelling, I retired and have been on the PTSD see-saw and roundabout since 1989. During that time I regulary see a Psychiatris and take medication but I still cannot break the never ending cycle.


Re: Topic Tuesday - now open: Stepping off the distress seesaw

oh right, i see

so for instance putting up a front around people, to show that everything is alright, is like shielding myself from a distressing situation?

Re: Topic Tuesday - now open: Stepping off the distress seesaw

That sounds like a challenging situation, Loopy.

Do you find that friends are accepting and/or supportive of you when you are back on the high-end of the see-saw?

Re: Topic Tuesday - now open: Stepping off the distress seesaw

SunnyDaisy, I go into "panic mode" and isolate until a little hint taps me from behind and, with agreat deal of effort, I crawl out from under my rock and gingerly face reality for a time. The period can be a week or a month but I never know.


Re: Topic Tuesday - now open: Stepping off the distress seesaw

SunnyDaisy, in a word "NO" my illness was not recognised and is still not within the Emergency Services.


Re: Topic Tuesday - now open: Stepping off the distress seesaw

That could be one way of protecting youself  .  Though I imagine it could also bring its own distress ...

What I have heard from people is that they find internal ways to ensure they are not triggered ... they may look 'OK' externally, they may look distracted.  But they leave the situation feeling internally OK.

Re: Topic Tuesday - now open: Stepping off the distress seesaw

SunnyDaisy, I am sorry, only in this forum do I get tjhe understanding and words of encouragement.


Re: Topic Tuesday - now open: Stepping off the distress seesaw

@Loopy... sounds like you have found ways to manage, even though on the merry-go-round.


Would you like to share some of the things you do to get you through difficult periods?