Hi there,
Previously we have sent out emails containing information on both the Carers Forum and the Lived Experience Forum. We have made the decision to split these and create 2 newsletters - one for each forum.
To ensure you recieve the correct newsletter, please ensure your settings are correct.
To do this:
1) Click on your username in blue: you will arrive on your profile page (all of which is confidential and only you can view)
2) Click on 'Edit My Settings'

3) Select 'Personal Information' tab

4) Scroll down, and if no boxes are ticked, choose which forum you wish to recieve information about. You can pick both. If you don't pick either of them (assuming you are subscribed to forum newsletters) you will receive both.

If you do not wish to receive updates and newsletters, uncheck the box at the bottom of the page.
Be sure to click 'save'!