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Re: Mobile version of the Forums

Go for it @NikNik..I could also make some geek references, like the internet was built by peer to peer networking via routers, well this is peer to peer in yr pocket.. People in business used to get besotted with b2b, business to business it processes..well hello world.. In this age of many folks feeling disconnected, isolated and alone..Sane brought in p2p, peer2 peer, person2 person community!
Right, buff said, peer to peer works!!

Re: Mobile version of the Forums

So there is a mobile version of it. I think I'm gonna check it out. I'm currently using my laptop so I couldn't make a judgment(lol) on it yet.

Re: Mobile version of the Forums

Hey @Jon22
Definitely seems to depend on type of phone you use.. I use the @ function but actually can't see it working on my phone. And I never get any notification if I am @'d either...
Handy to have in my pocket though 🙂