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Re: Topic Tuesday // **now open** // Finding the joy in Christmas

Merry Christmas to you too @Snoo @Shaz51and @CherryBomb

I'm looking forward to resting, and having some time off with my loved. It's not often that I have time off work and as a consequence, life always feel busy. So... thanks to tonight's conversation, I'm adjusting my expectations, and going to do less, and not expect my partner to do more. Smiley Happy 

Re: Topic Tuesday // **now open** // Finding the joy in Christmas

Hi Snoo                     I agree and @CherryBomb we have started our two weeks holiday tonight and I can already see that my husband is more relaxed to night

Merry Christmas everyone

Re: Topic Tuesday // **now open** // Finding the joy in Christmas

HiBeHappy                                                                  I'm adjusting my expectations, and going to do less, and not expect my partner to do more. Smiley Happy ( ME TOO )

Re: Topic Tuesday // **now open** // Finding the joy in Christmas

That's a wrap for tonight! It was a productive and intimate conversation tonight thanks to @Shaz51 @Snoo and @BeHappy. You all offered some wonderful insights. 

Christmas time doesn't need to be stressful nor does it need to be lavish and grand. With a bit of planning, and open communication, hopefully it is a time of year that you can sail through, and possibly even find some joy in.

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that you have a much earned break, and that you get to enjoy some time with your loved one.

Wishing you all a peaceful festive season. Heart