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23 Jun 2015 09:39 AM
Senior Contributor

Hi all,

I can feel happy these days, but it has been a long haul. As the mother of an adult daughter with BPD, it has been a struggle to feel some ease. BPD by its very nature makes relationships hard. The grief I felt when I realised that my hopes and dreams for my beautiful girl would not be realised, that grief was hard to hold.

Since that early time, I have learnt how to hold that sorrow and still find happiness for myself.

To think that she could have died, was one of the things I had to come to grips with. The constant psychic pain that she feels is something I have had to come to grips with. Her possible homelessness was something I had to come to grips with. A mother feels she has to solve her daughter's problems... I learnt not to do that. And it was hard.

So, it is possible to find happiness I believe, but it is hard and it hurts too.

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