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Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

Hi @Shaz51 exercise? Even though it may be difficult. Regular exercise is the best advice i can give you even if it's fifteen minutes in the morning and fifteen during the afternoon. Plus lower the sugar consumption. I struggle with weight and motivation to exercise and eat healthy. It comes and goes with different stages of the seasons and weather. Eude.

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

Hi @Shaz51 🙂

Rarely been on anti-d's, and haven't got diabetes.

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

A very interesting topic @Shaz51. 🙂

While I don't think that anti-depressant medications can directly result in someone getting diabetes, some of the side effects of the medication could contribute to a person's risk.

Most (if not all) anti-depressants can cause a person to gain weight, which in turn can contribute to someone's risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes. Genetics can play a big part in it too. My mother was a type 2 diabetic, although this was caused by poor lifestyle choices on her part. Another side effect is an increased appetite, which of course can lead to someone over-eating, or craving unhealthy foods. 

I strongly recommend Michael Mosley's book "The 8 Week Blood-Sugar Diet". He talks about the root cause of type 2 diabetes being caused by over-consuming on 'simple-sugar' foods like processed carbs, pasta, cereals, etc. He explains how to remove these from your diet and replace them with 'complex carbs', like lentils and chickpeas, amoung other diet changes. 

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

Thank you @EternalFlame, @BlueBells, @eudemonism for your comments Smiley Happy

I will have to look that book up @EternalFlame, my husband loves cordial , lots of it

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

@Shaz51 I used to be highly motivated and highly healthy. I'd go riding on my bike all the time. And only when I look back do I realise - how healthy and fit I was. Although I still suffered from my illness. I had my bike riding. I also had huge sleeping problems back then. But these days, it's a brisk fifteen or twenty minute walk. I think - the more active I am. The more sleeping problems I have. Eude. Motivating myself right now too walk around a couple blocks with the dog.

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

Hi @Shaz51 🙂

Comment re cordial. Something my daughter got onto a few years ago.

Slice up citrus, lime, lemon, orange etc to taste, and add some ginger ale. Add soda water or lemonade.

The citrus lasts a few weeks as a base, just using like a cordial. Might be less sugar than traditional cordials.

I'm thinking the ginger ale preserves the citrus. I'd steer clear of "diet" ale. In this case, I think natural sugar would be the preservative.

Personally, I can't handle artificial sweeteners, they all react one way or another, headaches, nausea, dizziness, vague I don't risk it anymore.

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

Thank you @BlueBells and @Shaz51. Good info given and taken on board. Best wishes. Bimby2

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication


Hyperglycemia, weight gain/T2DM and dyslipidaemia are all listed side effects of antipsychotics. If you google "antipsychotic side effect chart" you can see which APs are more likely to induce these and other side effects.

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

ohhh i will my awesome friend @Former-Member 

mr shaz is soo worried , his weiht seems to be around the middle