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Re: Self Harm

Hey @Angels333 It seems you do not have to make any of those hard decisions right now and that is a great thing for you. If you need that little extra help with your anxiety then do what you have to do. Anxiety is so hard to live with and takes over every thought and action when it is that high so I do not blame you for needing to help yourself Heart


I am very tired but have been this way for sometime - struggling to get through but still pushing on. It is a super busy time at work but it has to be done so all I can do is get stuck into it. Trying to get all the housework out of the way tonight so I can spend the majority of the weekend on work (and sleep).

Not applicable

Re: Self Harm

Hey @Angels333 

 so happy to hear this. I was feeling massively stressed when stress should have left earlier.

now I'm crusin late hours alone. 👌🏼 people r hard work. As I see it. My world maybes. A zone is better then the other! 
Super happy you are in a good place. ❤️
I am presently. Better than my current week. 🙂

Re: Self Harm

Hello @Former-Member 

Not sure if you meant you are feeling better currently than last week ... or ... the feeling I gathered from your post was that your were being and becoming. Sometimes thats enough.

Smiley Happy

@Angels333Great you managed the struggle agin harming the self.  Still it sounded stressful, not being sure where things really are, in terms of your father's health, your mother's statements and past memories.  You seem to have made sound decisions though, despite uncertainties.  Go you.

Smiley Happy


Just Hugs. You are a trooper. In ye olde days, the profesisonal job of a teacher would have occurred with support on domestic scene.  Sometimes we women seem to do double the work.

Smiley Happy

I am bumbling along.  Made a lot of mulch today, and thinking of my father and brother. I was good and went to a zoom choir thingo, but not wanting to socialise. All too hard, instead went to the garden. A little SI but not too bad, maybe missing my cat too.

Re: Self Harm

No doubt you are missing your little buddy @Appleblossom It can never be underestimated the love and company they bring to us and losing them is heartbreaking on so many levels. Grieve as you need to Apple 😥

Re: Self Harm

Thanks @Zoe7 

I make mulch by hand just breaking up twigs and cutting back overgrowth.  The repetitive nature helps and its outside and doing good.


Re: Self Harm

I find gardening does the same @Appleblossom but having the energy lately to do all that I want to do has been hard. I did a big clean out of one section and a lot of tree pruning a couple of weeks ago but had to be really careful of my hand so did not get it even close to finished. It of course took twice as long with one hand which was frustrating but at least it was a start.


I also had to brush Toby afterwards because he wanted to be right net to me and so was covered in leaves, twigs and grass - but he enjoyed himself lol

Re: Self Harm

@Zoe7Of course we cant be doing everything all the time. Respect your energy levels.


The main reason I do my gardening is I am older and have some economic security, but my needs are very simple.  I was glad to read today that piano teachers (in Melb) are allowed to teach at home and in students homes again.  SInging and wind teachers are not permitted due to aerosol production of the instrument, so choirs will be a while sorting out protocols before going live or indoors.  I feel better teaching a little, as it moves me into capable side of myself with some control and understanding of what to do.

Re: Self Harm

It will be great for you to get back to teaching a little @Appleblossom and hope that choirs can get up and running soon too. It has been such a difficult time for that outlet that you enjoy so being able to do some of it will be good.

Re: Self Harm

Goodnight @Appleblossom Going to bring Cat in from outside and see if I can sleep Heart

Re: Self Harm

@Zoe7 @Appleblossom @Former-Member @Molliex @TAB @greenpea @Faith-and-Hope @Adge @MDT @BlueBay @Shaz51 @Former-Member and everyone else...


Just an update...   my anxiety is too much sometimes.    I said an inappropriate thing at work placement coming from insecurities I have about myself.    I've been feeling suicidal but have managed to avoid self harm...   I know I'm drinking too much...


I know I have so much potential but I'm self sabotaging....


I have so many commitments with the kids, work and study I don't know if I'm coming or going sometimes...

