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Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

I feel so sick, a migraine😣. I've applied for an extension for one of my assignments, both were due on Monday. High energy states (both positive and negative states) are never good for migraines, at least the anxiety and agitation are settling a bit, but not 100% gone 

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

This migraine and depression is really annoying me, my brain won’t cooperate

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

It's a bit like that, eh @creative_writer ? Brains just don't co-operate!!! Sounds like there needs to be a lot of brain training! Like me!


I have been procrastinating so much this week. I need a solid few hours to get some urgent things done.... hopefully sometime on the weekend.


I just need to formulate a list tonight and tell my brain just to do it! I think I can do it Sunday morning or something...


I hope you can tell your brain what to do tonight lol.


Please take care.

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

@tyme, these racing thoughts are driving me crazy, I don't know why I still have this excess energy. I've taken an extra antipsychotic because I feel like I am going insane. This nervous energy started just over a week ago now, though the meds are helping, I guess I just have to give it time

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

The extra Antipsychotic calmed the racing thoughts, feel pretty burnt out, depressed and exhausted (doesn’t help sedation is a side effect) and of course migraine is running it’s expected course 😒. Got little done today. Can someone tell me the trauma memories are not real? I feel so defined by it. Maybe I’m just not in a good mental headspace, it’s hard to shake it off

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

I was talking to my sister and mum, and my sister mentioned she had depressive symptoms when she will in primary school and felt her "life was over", I don't believe in a suicidal way, but kids do get unsettled at times with friendship breakups. My mum tried normalising it. I get MH struggles are common, but it still shouldn't be this way. Why do I feel annoyed?

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

I’m feeling more stable today. It has allowed me to reflect. Anyone else related to this? So I feel comfortable being alone and in my own company. It does get lonely, but at least I feel safe. I always have this expectation that I won’t connect with other people and it’s not safe to be myself, maybe it’s a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Like I’m afraid of feeling lonely. I’m not afraid of feeling lonely alone, but afraid of feeling lonely around other people

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

Has anyone had experience with getting diagnosed with ASD? I feel like I was once diagnosed with really mild ASD years ago when I was living overseas. The idea of having ASD only resurfaced when I was with the HOPE team. I guess my psych or pdoc would be the best supports to talk to

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

Does anyone else feel a sense of contamination that can not be erased or cleaned? Maybe it's a trauma response

Re: Piecing the shattered glass together

Is anyone on?