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Re: End of year thoughts

What a wonderful post @Teej

I just wanted to let you know I really enjoyed reading it. In many ways it resembles my own journey. I'm well aware of the hard slog behind your sentiments, hopes and dreams, so congratulations! Here's cheers...'clink' go the glasses Woman Happy

Hope Heart

Re: End of year thoughts

Thanks @Hope4me 🥂 back at you 💜🤗

Re: End of year thoughts

So great to read your end of year thoughts @Queenie, @MDT, @BlueBay and @Teej 🙂

Awesome to hear that you'll graduate @Queenie and that you're on a path towards your dream of becoming a social worker (that's a dream I share with you). Very exciting heading in to next year for you!

You have had a big year @MDT! It's a funny feeling I find, to stop and contrast 'then' and 'now' sometimes. The way your year started and has ended is hugely different. It's been really cool to read your journey throughout this year. Big well done to you for your 2018!

@BlueBay it's lovely to hear your thoughts about the year you've had, knowing how hard things can be for you at times. You keep on keeping on always and that fight in you is very strong, even though it might feel like it isn't at times. Go you BlueBay 💙

Very much understand how the version of our year can be mood dependent @Teej, especially when there is a bit of wonky that might have happened over the 12 months before. You too keep on keeping on so well and watching you get up and make your way through it all has been inspiring. I really hope you find your feeling life again and that 2019 has many of your own highlight moments. I'm looking forward to hearing about them and sharing in them with you 😊

Thanks to everyone who joined in and took the time to share thoughts about your year. It's given me lots of feel goods and I have really enjoyed reading all of these posts.

Hoping 2019 is a year with plenty of good and great in it for everyone!


Re: End of year thoughts

Thanks for the thread @CheerBear


I am proud of the decision I made to visit my relatives interstate - I followed my heart and went and this was the last chance because they are far too ill and troubled now the time has come to let them have peace and quiet. And it was a wonderful visit


I am thankful for my family - particularly that my daughter and grand-daughter both had operations and recovered - they are my most significant others and also - my sil had a significant birthday and it was a great party


I have learned that personally I don't need to spend a lot of money on a therapist just to have someone pick around in my memories when I already have insight into my reasons for my behaviour - really - I know that speaking out can make me unpopular but I have felt better about myself for doing so. It's always important to feel better about oneself


My highlight moment - flying over the outback and seeing how dry and terrible and sacred and beautiful the desert is - that was fantastic - and spiritual - 


And I would like to add that the New Years Resolution I made many years ago still works - I resolved not to make anymore New Years Resolutions and I haven't


But I do take time to look back across the year passed and know it had really hard moments I shared here and was better for it - and also


My life has been tough and I have not only survived some of the worse things life can throw at me - I have been a better person because of it


All the best everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR


Have a great year all at Sane ForumsHave a great year all at Sane ForumsDec




Re: End of year thoughts

That's very kind of you @CheerBear thank you 🙂

Re: End of year thoughts

great thread @CheerBear
ive liked reading everyones responses too