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Re: End of year thoughts

Lol @Hope4me nice to hear that. First song I remember was Mellow Yellow by Donovan. .. even sat in dark on own listening to Deep Purple Black Sabbath ok Three Dog Night etc yes AM, aerial wa connected to grape vine trellis worked a treat esp at night when cld get interstate stations lol

Re: End of year thoughts

Ha ha @TAB


 Vines? Priceless! Woman Very Happy

Re: End of year thoughts

..structure made of 1 inch water pipe, imagining it had an horizontal aspect as well as vertical. Ok it did. Horizontal ok irrelevant except for proximity to kitchen window @Hope4me 😎🕵️‍♀️

Re: End of year thoughts

Something from this year I've been proud of: It has taken me numerous attempts due to falling behind due to my mental illness, but I am actually going to graduate from my course. This is the first step in my dream to become a social worker working with early psychosis intervention and prevention.


Something I am thankful for: Small miracles and wins. These days I hear voices a lot less thanks to a great new medication.


Something I learned: Family doesn't necessarily mean loyalty. I have to make my own 'family' made up of friends rather than relying on actual biological family.


A highlight: Wow there were so many. Possibly the Robbie Williams concert however. It was my Mrs' first ever concert and now she's a seasoned gig goer!





Re: End of year thoughts

Hey @CheerBear good idea for a thread.

2018 was a big year for me. In many ways I can't explain why because it's hard to put into words. It started off one way and ended totally different.

One thing I am proud of:
That I managed to travel around the world despite my anxieties about doing so. I had a mild pa jc episode the day before I left but still managed to pull through and do the entire trip I had booked.

I am thankful for:
Support. From family and friends and also forumites. It's proof that I am not up against this on my own. Thank you 😄

I leanred:
Capability. I am far more capable than I let myself imagine. Travelling taught me that I am capable on many levels. Some I did not know I had.

A highlight moment:
Walking back to my hostel in DC at 3am in the morning with the other travellers. While walking back it occurred to me that I am on a good path forward. I also remember my time in hospital in March and contrast the two. Bizarre.

I read A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway this year. Tragedy and Romance in the one book. I recommend it to everyone.

My hope next year is that I make good headway into a career path I want. I'm not 100% on what that looks like, but I am willing to give myself the next five years to see what happens.

Once more into the fray
Into the last good fight I'll ever know
Live and die on this day
Live and die on this day

Re: End of year thoughts

I'll just leave this here ...

Something from this year that: * you've been proud of *...

Something from this year that:

* you've been proud of
* you're thankful for
* you learned 
* was a highlight moment
1. I’m proud to still be able to work even though at times I never wanted to go. 
2.  I’m thankful for all of you on here fir the love support and care.  Also very thankful to my family for putting up with me and yo my support team especially my awesome doctor 
3.  What did I learn?  I learnt that when my emotions are so intense it does fall back to a stable level. 
4.  Highlight moment - going to my sons graduation at the police academy.  Also knowing thst I have amazing children and hubby who sometimes understands. 

Re: Something from this year that: * you've been proud of *...

and Ayla my sister @BlueBay Heart

Re: Something from this year that: * you've been proud of *...

Oh I’m bad - hiw could I forget my beautiful angel Ayla. Yes she has definitely helped me along. ❤️

Thanks @Shaz51 for reminding me. Xxx

Re: End of year thoughts

Great thread @CheerBear. It’s been kind of ironic that I’ve had to force myself to think about this. I’m one who is usually very much reflective of a year gone by. I’m really aware that what I write today will be a 'version' of my thoughts given current mood and circumstances.



Something from this year that:

* you've been proud of
- maybe starting to understand boundaries better. 
- getting through crises better
- the fewest hospital admissions or sh since my mi began
* you're thankful for
- the forum, SANE helpline, my therapist, my family, my friend, my groups
* you learned 
- I’ve learned soooo much this year, it is hard to condense it. I think I’m learning what resilience is. I’m learning who I am more (the good, bad and the ugly 🤭). I’m learning from watching others navigate really hard tricky stuff. 
* was a highlight moment
hmmm I really can’t think of one. I think I’ve lived pretty much vicariously through others this year again and my highlights would be seeing others achieve great things (no matter how big or small they really are). 


A hope you have for next year

- to find a way to survive next year and all it’s challenges. 

- to volunteer

- maybe to have my own highlight moments, not solely having them vicariously.

- to really feel life again, not just survive everything (possibly a bridge too far but we will see)