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Re: Life can be a Pain

Aww hugs @Eve7 , @tyme xx

I am happy with where I am at the moment 

But it is funny when I go for a walk down town , everyone will say hello to me 

Re: Life can be a Pain

You are sooooooo right !!!


So many people know me @Shaz51 . Yet I can't say I have 'friends'. 


Also, I am more than happy where I am right now. I know I am making a difference to many people's lives rather that a handful.

Re: Life can be a Pain

Right on my @tyme 🙂👍

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hey @Owlunar how are u

Did u see ur telehealth psych this week? 

I am doing ok atm...saw psychologist today and got out and about at a coffee and some air.


Forum friends are real friends which its taken me a while to gage. Ive bad true friendships and care. I think we should take any friendships in any form. If they enhance our lives.


I bumped into someone today who was a not great friend in my past. I moved away a few years ago, so dont see them as frequently as we used to live close. He kept saying how he hasnt seen me for ages but had nothing else to say. Like how are you, are u well etc. He could not manage the interaction. 


I felt kinda happy im not his friend anymore.


I am glad ur here on the forums and happy to be ur friends @Owlunar @Eve7 @Shaz51 @Zoe7 @Appleblossom @

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @EternalFlower 


Yes - I had my telehealth call today - face to face on my computer - no getting a taxi - no waiting anywhere - just click on the link and allow the use of my microphone and camera and 60 minutes which was really good.


And I feel better since - she said I was very authentic - I guess I always knew that - I never really thought about it - it felt like a great compliment.


I am glad you saw yours and I hope it went well - and a coffee and the air - I got both of those - at home - when I went out to get my mail I realised I had only been in my back yard to hang some washing and then bring it in - but walking down to the letter boxes was really out in the wind and the moon was bright and scudding through the clouds - I enjoyed just standing there -


Years ago I had a friend - and we were just friends - we spent a lot of time together - sometimes it was great and sometimes I got annoyed with him and went home - we split up 20 years ago - it was a relief though he did try to get me back - that was not on.


I was down in the shopping centre when we were still wearing masks - I was going to my hairdresser and I saw him sitting cold and miserable and alone having a coffee - and I didn't stop - no way did I want to get into his games - which he never won and only irritated me - I still think of that day when I just walked past him - no regrets - none at all.


It seems you have had a similar experience - a friend at any price can be a burden.


I'm glad you are here on the forums too - a safe place to be honest and authentic - this is a good thing - and we can come and leave our messages when we choose - I am really glad I know you.


All the best


Re: Life can be a Pain

@Zoe7 @EternalFlower @Shaz51 @Appleblossom @tyme @Oaktree 


I feel my real friends are here too - though I seem to get on with everyone I meet - now even the schoolboys who rushed to get on the bus before me stand back - I feel noticed even if they seem to ignore me.


Maybe my authentic nature shows through - I am no people-pleaser however - people who give me a hard time hear about it - and I guess as uncomfortable as I can feel about it at the time - being assertive is worth it in the long run and other people benefit from it.


And yes @Zoe7 - we can discuss things we no judgment and expect honest answers - I feel the same way - it's a good way to be.


I'm glad to see you back here and hope you are feeling better by now - concussion has to run its course - I hope your parents are managing too.


And @Shaz51 - it may seem a bit strange to you when people greet you - but hey - your sunny nature regardless of your obvious challenges - shines through - people see that and love it. I know I do.


All the best to all my friends here

Mumma Bear


Re: Life can be a Pain

 @Zoe7 Yes I remember my first tentative posts with you and Faith and Hope. Not tagging cos she is busy and gets it. It was really important to me. I was even resistant to the language of friendship I was so used to being hurt by catty females (no disrespect to the species), but that has changed.  Thanks Bella


Your sunny style shines strong.


@Owlunar Good you are treated well by students at bus stop. Telehealth does have its benefits... Good to see you keep popping in.      Good to be able to get deeper with you.  I went through a lot for my siblings I definitely tried to do all I could for them, it was no superficial matter, but was simply not enough to heal their trauma that did not arise from my actions at all, tho I still get blamed at times.


 @tyme Great having you on board in official or informal manner. Hugs.


@EternalFlower We cannot control friendship and that is part of its beauty, but making little steps in the BIG GENERAL FLOW of LIFE, like you did with that fellow.  Maybe next time he will learn to ask better questions... maybe with another person, maybe not. His journey. It is what it is.


Thanks for being my morning coffee group of friends.


Last night I was at work ... online and got invited to predinner drinks ... all very virtual

Brave New World. It will be good as I have a morning date on that day, in a group with lady I had major flare up with a few weeks ago, So feeling supported by social cosmos, and it may help me manage to speak straight and true and be authentic without too much fear and intensity building up inside me. (my abandonment stuff is BIG.)



Re: Life can be a Pain

@Appleblossom @EternalFlower @Shaz51 @tyme @Zoe7 @Oaktree @MDT @TAB 


Hi everyone.


I went to see my dentist yesterday knowing I have to have expensive dental work done - which is necessary - not because I have neglected my teeth - I have a bad bite and this has caused damage over the years and now I need dental implants - which I am okay about in the long run and can afford it - but the process is scary because I have an extraction phobia and only trust my dentist really. 


This specialist sounds really nice though and dental treatment is so much better than it was when I had a bad time in the dental hospital.


The OPG Xray I had yesterday showed an infection under a wisdom tooth so that has to come out. I refuse to worry about that until the day my dentist decides to pull it - then I will have serious jitters - when I get into the taxi I will probably run off at the mouth to the driver and on the way home will have to give him a note that I can't talk and of course - my address.


My father's family has had these problems - big teeth in a smaller jaw - my brother and sister and my daughter and granddaughter have all had trouble - daughter and granddaughter had their impacted wisdom teeth out and my daughter had braces - they did not do this when my siblings and I were young - so now - implants - which will be fine when it's all over. I'm seeing the specialist on Tuesday.


Otherwise things are improving - my neighbour offered her help so I asked if she could vacuum my floors and wash the kitchen floor - it was not attended to for weeks and there was a stained where I had dropped my coffee soaked clothes after I spilled my hot coffee on my arm - and that is looking better all the time - it's been five weeks - I think I get my last dressing on Monday - or I could take it off myself if I felt like it.


It has been raining all night in Melbourne - the last time I looked still - I was hoping to go to the public library today - so let's hope it stops.


All the best everyone - I hope your day is the best it can be


Mumma Bear


Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar Ah yes the rain ... I am just back from a water watch citizen science testing at local river.  It was interesting and good to see the work the local community do to care and monitor the water quality.  They test 7 parameters.


After my coffee the rest of the day is for car looking with my son.


The body and its wear and tear .... weary sigh .... Glad your burn is healing. Major dental work is a big deal.  Gentle hugs being careful of sore spots.


Hey @Shaz51 @tyme @EternalFlower and all ...

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hope it all goes okay for you at the dentists @Owlunar thanks for the tag and hope your day goes okay too